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Our offer of services

Services et formation par CR distribution

Certifications and trainings

Services and trainings

CR DISTRIBUTION, leader in the marketing of agricultural supplies, biocontrol solutions and biostimulants, is now supporting you in the field of training and certification by creating its new Services and Training activity.
Through a personalized follow-up and in collaboration with the actors of distribution, CR DISTRIBUTION assists the exploitations for the valorization of their work. This support extends to regulatory (health and safety), technical and environmental aspects.

Formations par CR Distribution


100 % de réussite au test en 2024.

• Formations CIPP (ex Certiphyto).

• Formations agronomiques : bonnes pratiques agricoles, techniques alternatives et utilisation des produits de biocontrôles/biostimulants, certificat individuel, maîtrise du gel, HVE, Mises En Réserves​.

Certifications par CR Distribution


100 % de satisfaction en 2024.

  • Accompagnement individuel ou collectif vers de nombreuses certifications : HVE, HVE AREA (HVE Nouvelle Aquitaine), CEC (HVE COGNAC), Global Gap, ISO14001, HACCP, Identification des CCP.
  • Aide sur la rédaction du DUERP (Document Unique d'Évaluation des risques Professionnels).
  • logo de la Haute Valeur Envirronementale

    Why do you want to do this ?

  • To answer a societal expectation with the valorization of the final product for the consumer.

  • Recognition of the profession by highlighting efforts and results.

  • Environmental commitment and implementation of goof agricultural practices.

  • Anticipating environmental requirements and performance.

  • Compliance with regulatory standards.

  • Who is it for ?

    Any actor of the agricultural sector, whatever the crop, individuals or groups.

    How can we help ?

    Realization of documentary audit, exploitation visit, action plans and support until certification.

    How long ?

    On average between 1 and 2 half days.

    How long does it take to reach our services ?

  • Training with test: 1 week maximum.

  • On-site training: 15 days minimum.

  • Support to certification: appointment within 15 days.
  • Our Services and Training Newsletters

    Every quarter, find a summary of the latest news on agricultural training / certification and on CR DISTRIBUTION :

  • Certif’info n°1 : CR Distribution obtient la certification QUALIOPI
  • Certif’info n°2 : Votre Certiphyto est-il à jour ?
  • Certif’info n°3 : De nouvelles formations agronomiques chez CR Distribution

  • Other training courses and services are being prepared to meet your requirement (e.g. : preparation for phyto agreement, traceability system, training in regulatory advice…).

    Few words from Gaëlle BERNADOT

    Services and Training Manager

    Photo de notre formatrice Gaelle

    « Agriculture: the most beautiful profession in the world, the one that feeds people »

    « A field that has undergone evolutions, adaptations and today a real upheaval. Changes are not only regulatory, they are above all linked to a social, societal and environmental demand.

    In this context, CR DISTRIBUTION has created in 2019 a department dedicated to supporting your exploitation, always in strong partnership with your distributors.

    Services to ease your procedures, support you in your compliance and assist you in promoting your products to the end consumer.

    CR DISTRIBUTION offers you individual and group support, and even personalized assistance to meet your needs.

    Our offer can be described as follows :

  • A support adapted to your structure to reach a certification: HVE, Global Gap, AB.
  • Un accompagnement adapté à votre structure pour viser une certification : HVE, globalGap, AB .
  • Assistance in preparing your single document (DUERP), in drafting your approval audits… a specific offer for the agro-viticultural profession.

  • We wanted and wish to simplify your regulatory and environmental procedures so that you can continue to have time to: PRODUCE.»

    pictogramme de validationContact our trainer

    You can register now for a training session, ask us for a quote or any other information by filling out the form below.

    Fields marked with an * are required 450 characters maximum

    Services and trainings by CR Distribution